The Ceremonial Department has as goal to organize, guide, with respect the protocols, the religious wedding ceremonies in IBEP.
The work of this team is to instruct the spouses about the criteria that must be respected with regard to: clothing, decoration, filming, pictures and order at the entrances of the ceremony; as well as the reception of the guests in the church.
In every marriage the members of this department wear uniform to work and provide all necessary support, from the beginning to the end of the ceremony. Everything is done with the Lord's direction.
This department is consisted of five sisters and all of them work as ceremonialists only in IBEP.

Wedding ceremony in IBEP
This Department has given full support to the Church Batista do Evangelho Pleno (Baptist of the full Gospel Church ) in weddings and other programns (when they are invited to). We thank God for this wonderful and rich opportunity to do this work.
Sisters Leonícia Rodrigues and Roselane Sandim
Ceremonial Department Leaders
The Ceremonial Department members