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IBEP - A Ministry that was born in God's heart!


In 1995, the God's man, Pr. Balmir Rodrigues da Cunha, with his wife and daughters, obeying the called of Lord , left Goiânia towards Uberlândia-MG. With the purpose to start  Lord's work, was rented a small hall at  Olga Melo e Silva, Street  Jd. Patricia, owned by 1st soul converted in IBEP, sister Maria do Socorro Almeida Cruz.

On June 14, 1995 was officially founded the Gospel Baptist Church Full - IBEP as it is known by all. A Pentecostal church, although traditional, regarding the Word of God.

Pr. Balmir in 1995

The small group in the beginning was of fifteen to twenty people, over the months began to grow and in October 1997 were already more than 200 members. Therefore it was necessary to rent it more space to behave the number of members, visitors and congregants.

Initially we rented two sheds at  José Fonseca e Silva, Avenue - Jd. Patricia and quickly the space became too small to accommodate the thirsty crowd of God's Word. Then we acquired land next to the church and build two more sheds.

Hall where has began IBEP

The church on the avenue José Fonseca e Silva

The herd grew in number and spiritual carat. The leadership of Pr. Balmir (his testimony, dedication to the Ministry and price paid in prayer for the lives) without doubt, is the reason for this to be reflected in the growth of the Church. We can contemplate in the life of this servant of God, the Lord's move, because he lives what he preaches and through his life many souls have surrendered to the feet of the Lord.

In 2008 the church bought a piece of land in Uberlândia - Mount Horeb, a separate place for prayer. Where the Church gathers to seek the Lord; and there are conducted retreats, vigils and some gatherings.


In these 20 years of ministry we have had several conversions, healings, deliverances, restored marriages, lives freed from drugs. Several lives transformed by the power of God. The pursuit of holiness and obedience to God's Word has become paramount. Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added" it is our key verse.

Mount Horeb

Today we are over 2000 members of which 85% were converted and baptized in this Ministry.


All we thank God for being part of this great family, we have a shepherd so wise and blessed, who has paid the price for the kingdom of God.

Current view of the church IBEP

© 2023 por ALUNO NOTA 10. Orgulhosamente criado com

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 Tel  11-3456-7890 / Fax 11-2345-6789 /

Igreja Batista do Evangelho Pleno - Pr. Balmir Rodrigues da Cunha

Av. José Fonseca e Silva, 807 - B. Jardim Patrícia - Uberlândia-MG

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