Teenager’s IBEP
"The Lord will guard your entrance and your exit, from now and forever." Psalm 121: 8
The Department of Adolescents was created on April 9, 2004, in the direction of our beloved sister Ivanilde, who is already meeting the Lord. Continuing this work are the brothers Claudiomir and Gislene, who took over in December 2018.
The aim of this work is to instruct adolescents on the path of salvation in Christ Jesus and to give them the opportunity to serve as workers in the house of God.
Activities for teenagers are services on Saturdays and the Choir Luz do Mundo, created in 2014, where rehearsals take place weekly. The themes of the services are studies that aim to lead teenagers to seek knowledge of the Bible with the full certainty that the Lord is with outstretched hands to keep them. Psalm 119: 105 “Lamp for my feet is your word, and light for my way.” In addition, we have targeted and monitored activities at Mount Horeb to complete Bible studies, where teenagers are given the opportunity to minister the Word.
On the first Sunday of August, Baptist Adolescent Day is celebrated. For this moment, the word of the Lord is given with a day of communion on Mount Horeb, to give him thanks and praise.
From the age of 15, teenagers can start, as workers in different departments of the Church: Children's Department, Audiovisual, Social, Praise or assisting the Child and Child Choirs.
Finally, we need to emphasize the desire that we have to prepare you for a youth established in the Lord of hosts.
Brother Claudiomir de Castro and Sister Gislene Gomes Pimentel de Castro
Youth Department Leaders